(Before) (After)

My name's Anna Maria Bertanza, during the last days of September 1995, in only one week time I had two surgical operations at my breast, during which several cancerous formations where removed. In the following six months I had been subjected to chemotherapy and cortisone cycles. These cures, apart from their undoubted effects, where the cause of a 25Kg weight increase, of the slowing down of my blood circulation and of the hardening of my arms and legs muscles. But above all, the worst thing was that I lost completely my natural strength, even if I tried not to show, especially to my family and my friends.

In December 1996, thanks to my sister Angela, I came in contact with the "?????????? ". My primary target was to loose weight, but as the months passed by I realised that the most important thing was not to slim fast but to get back in shape and to return full of life. After a year I can say that I'm back to the old ANNA (even if I still have to lose some more weight !). In the last period all the medical exams had a negative result and the blood-test have returned to the optimal values. Now I feel more in shape than ever and this thanks to ??????????.

For more informations please contact me at:

Anna Maria Bertanza

Via C.Monteverdi n°11



Phone/fax : 0432/661366

e-mail: annamabe@libero.it